I'm Lester

Telecommunications and Electronics Eng. I'm a Passionate DevOps Engineer with over 3+ years of system adminstration work in the tech industry. I focus on building better cloud solutions by testing and deploying cloud apps using CI/CD tools. I like to a write in my free time at dev.to/sharker3312, so if you are interested, look in on.

Working Experience

  1. Freelance & Writer

    SoloMe Inc.

    Freelance work. I write content about programming, software automation, scripting, infrastructure as code and in general about DevOps and cybersecurity. Read More
  2. System Administrator


    Implementation and maintenance of applications based on microservices. Containerization and deployment of various apps.Orchestration of containers
  3. System Engineer


    As an administrator my main tasks are to ensure the quality of service. As well as automate the tasks of creating, modifying and deleting users. Implementation of firewall measures. Improvement of 30% of the overall performance of the service.


Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

End to End DevOps Project

  • AWS
  • Docker
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
BAn end-to-end DevOps project using AWS, Docker, Terraform, Ansible and Git could be the implementation of a cloud application infrastructure with an automated workflow from development to deployment and maintenance.
Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

Sub Enmun - Subdomains enumerator script

  • Bash Scripting
  • Python
Script developed in bash and python in order to scan a target and get the subdomains, check the active subdomains, the open ports of those subdomains and correct the duplicates.
Recién llegado vs 5 años en Nueva Zelanda

Red team - Cybersecurity blog

  • Kali Linux
  • Bash Scripting
  • BurpSuite
It all started when I hacked the neighbor's wifi. I had fun doing capture the flag together with friends on platforms like HTB and Tryhackme, then I started to write about different vulnerabilities like XSS, Path Traversal, File Upload, CSRF, etc...

About me

My name is Lester Diaz Perez, I graduated in telecommunications and electronics engineering. I started in programming trying to hack the neighbor's wifi..

I'm excited about opportunities involving management systems. With experience in implementing CI/CD pipelines and managing cloud infrastructure, I'm committed to collaborating with management to identify areas for improvement and enhance efficiency throughout the software lifecycl

Miguel Ángel